Design jobs at Y Combinator startups

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fulltimeSan Francisco, CA, US / Remote (US)Web design

fulltimeGB / PT / ES / IT / GR / ZA / IE / Remote (GB; PT; ES; IT; GR; ZA; IE)Product design

fulltimeBoston, MA, US / Barcelona, CT, ES / Remote (US)Product design

fulltimeBarcelona, CT, ES / Remote (FR; DE; ES; PL; UA; GB; BE; IT; HU; GR; BG; AT; HR; CY; CZ; DK; EE; FI; LV; LT; LU; MT; NL; PT; SK; SI)Product design

fulltimeDenver, CO, US / Seattle, WA, US / Remote (US)Product design

fulltimeIN / SG / MY / PH / KR / TW / Remote (IN; SG; MY; PH; KR; TW)Brand/graphic design

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