Infrastructure Engineer at Reducto (W24)
$120K - $220K  •  0.25% - 1.00%
Unlocking data behind complex documents
San Francisco, CA, US
1+ years
About Reducto

Nearly 80% of enterprise data is in unstructured formats like PDFs

PDFs are the status quo for enterprise knowledge in nearly every industry. Insurance claims, financial statements, invoices, and health records are all stored in a structure that’s simply impractical for use in digital workflows. This isn’t an inconvenience—it’s a critical bottleneck that leads to dozens of wasted hours every week.

Traditional approaches fail at reliably extracting information in complex PDFs

OCR and even more sophisticated ML approaches work for simple text documents but are unreliable for anything more complex. Text from different columns are jumbled together, figures are ignored, and tables are a nightmare to get right. Overcoming this usually requires a large engineering effort dedicated to building specialized pipelines for every document type you work with.

Reducto breaks document layouts into subsections and then contextually parses each depending on the type of content. This is made possible by a combination of vision models, LLMs, and a suite of heuristics we built over time. Put simply, we can help you:

  • Accurately extract text and tables even with nonstandard layouts
  • Automatically convert graphs to tabular data and summarize images in documents
  • Extract important fields from complex forms with simple, natural language instructions
  • Build powerful retrieval pipelines using Reducto’s document metadata
  • Intelligently chunk information using the document’s layout data
About the role
Skills: Kubernetes, Python, Redis, Software Architecture

As a member of our founding team, you'll play a key role in ensuring reliability, scalability, and performance of Reducto’s API and on prem deployments. This is an in-person role based in San Francisco, CA.

  • Design, implement, and maintain core components of Reducto infrastructure (e.g. task queue, distributed workers) to support an ever growing amount of usage.
  • Improve on reducto’s test suite and infrastructure for staging and running large scale tests on documents.
  • Work directly with customers during Reducto’s on-premise deployments. This includes work for the deployment set up and on the ground support for in person deployments.

🚀 You’ll be successful in this role if you…

  • Are an autonomous and resourceful engineer with 2-5 years of experience building and deploying high reliability systems via Kubernetes/HELM.
  • Have a high bar for quality and craftsmanship, and a willingness to fix issues whenever they happen.
  • Have a fundamental understanding of Python scripting.
  • Have excellent communication skills. You’re able to collaborate well with team members and work directly with our customers.

⭐ Bonus points

  • Prior experience as a startup entrepreneur or founding engineer for a team with rapidly growing scale.
  • Experience managing systems with high bursts of concurrent usage

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